Amavasya Kab Hai

The night sky holds an enchanting allure for many of us. We gaze up at the celestial canvas, marveling at the moon’s radiant glow. But have you ever wondered about the phases of the moon and the captivating phenomenon of amavasya? Amavasya, also known as the new moon, is a significant event in Hindu culture. In this article, we will delve into the depths of amavasya, exploring its significance, timings, and rituals. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a celestial journey to uncover the secrets of amavasya!

Understanding Amavasya

Amavasya, derived from the Sanskrit words ama meaning ‘together’ and vasya meaning ‘to dwell,’ signifies the period when the moon is not visible in the night sky. This occurrence arises when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with the Sun’s rays obscuring the moon’s visibility. Amavasya holds immense cultural, religious, and astrological importance in Hinduism.

The Significance of Amavasya

Amavasya is considered an auspicious time for various religious and spiritual activities. It is believed that during this period, the positive energy is at its peak, making it an ideal time for introspection, self-renewal, and spiritual practices. Many Hindus observe fasts and perform rituals to seek blessings, cleanse their souls, and connect with the divine.

1. Religious Significance

Amavasya holds immense religious significance in Hindu mythology. It is believed to be a time when ancestors visit the mortal realm to bless their descendants. Therefore, performing ancestral rituals, known as pitru tarpan, is customary during amavasya. Hindus also offer prayers to deities like Lord Shiva, Goddess Kali, and Lord Vishnu, seeking their divine blessings on this day.

2. Astrological Significance

Astrologically, amavasya is a time when the moon’s energy is at its lowest. It is believed to be an ideal period for introspection, meditation, and focusing on one’s inner self. Many people use this time for self-reflection, setting intentions, and planning their future endeavors. Astrologers also analyze the impact of amavasya on individuals’ birth charts, providing insights into their lives.

Amavasya Timings

The timings of amavasya vary each month, as it is based on the lunar calendar. In the Hindu calendar, each month is marked by the phases of the moon, and amavasya occurs on the new moon day. Let’s explore the timings of amavasya in different months and its association with Hindu festivals.

1. Amavasya Dates and Associated Festivals

  • Chaitra Amavasya: It falls in the Hindu month of Chaitra (March/April) and is associated with the festival of Chaitra Navratri.
  • Ashadha Amavasya: Occurring in the month of Ashadha (June/July), it is linked with the holy festival of Guru Purnima.
  • Bhadrapada Amavasya: Falling in the month of Bhadrapada (August/September), it is celebrated as the day before the famous festival of Ganesh Chaturthi.
  • Kartik Amavasya: In the month of Kartik (October/November), this amavasya is observed as Diwali, the festival of lights.
  • Paush Amavasya: Occurring in the month of Paush (December/January), this amavasya is associated with the holy bath during the Kumbh Mela.
  • Magha Amavasya: Falling in the month of Magha (January/February), it is celebrated as Mauni Amavasya, a significant day for spiritual practices.
  • Phalguna Amavasya: Occurring in the month of Phalguna (February/March), it is connected with the festival of Maha Shivaratri.

These are just a few examples of amavasya dates and their association with Hindu festivals. The timings may vary each year, so it is advisable to refer to the Hindu calendar for accurate dates.

Rituals and Customs during Amavasya

Amavasya is marked by various rituals and customs, which vary across different regions and communities. Let’s explore some common practices observed during this auspicious time.

1. Fasting

Fasting on amavasya is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul. Many people observe a strict fast, abstaining from food and water for the entire day. Some may opt for a partial fast, consuming only fruits, milk, or light meals. Fasting is seen as a way to cleanse oneself and seek blessings from deities and ancestors.

2. Offering Prayers and Worship

Offering prayers and worshiping deities is an integral part of amavasya rituals. Devotees visit temples, perform aarti (ritual of waving a lamp), and offer flowers, incense, and food to the deities. Many also light diyas (oil lamps) at home to invoke positivity and dispel darkness.

3. Tarpan and Shraddha

As mentioned earlier, amavasya is a significant time to honor and remember ancestors. Many people perform tarpan, a ritual of offering water mixed with black sesame seeds to their departed loved ones. Shraddha ceremonies, where offerings are made to ancestors, are also conducted during this period to seek their blessings and ensure their well-being in the afterlife.

4. Charity and Donations

Amavasya is considered an opportune time for acts of charity and compassion. Many individuals engage in philanthropic activities, such as donating food, clothes, or money to the less fortunate. It is believed that such acts earn merit and bring blessings not only to the giver but also to their ancestors.

FAQs about Amavasya

Q1. What is the duration of amavasya?

Amavasya typically lasts for about 24 hours, starting from the previous day’s sunset until the next day’s sunset.

Q2. Can anyone observe amavasya rituals?

Yes, anyone can observe amavasya rituals, irrespective of their gender or caste. It is a time for everyone to connect with their inner selves and seek divine blessings.

Q3. Are there any specific dos and don’ts during amavasya?

While there are no strict dos and don’ts, it is advisable to maintain a pious and respectful demeanor during amavasya. Avoid consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian food, and refrain from engaging in negative or harmful activities.

Q4. How can I find the exact timings of amavasya?

You can refer to the Hindu calendar or consult astrologers to find the accurate timings of amavasya each month. Many online platforms also provide this information for easy reference.


The mystical amavasya, or new moon, holds a special place in Hindu culture. From its religious and astrological significance to the various rituals and customs associated with it, amavasya offers a time of introspection, spiritual growth, and connection with the divine. By observing fasts, offering prayers, and engaging in acts of charity, individuals seek blessings and cleanse their souls. So, the next time you gaze up at the night sky and wonder, amavasya kab hai? remember the profound meaning and beauty behind this celestial phenomenon. Embrace the magic of amavasya and let its energy guide you on your spiritual journey.